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Harsh Hasmukhbhai Patel


“It’s an honor to reflect on my time at the faculty of Nirma University’s Department of Instrumentation and Control. They were my unwavering support, helping me navigate every challenge and situation. Every moment spent in college is etched in my memory as invaluable. From the bustling canteen to the insightful classroom discussions, the lively lobby, and the engaging laboratory experiments, it was a journey worth cherishing.

I remember being the inquisitive one, asking numerous questions to my classmates and friends. Although at times they found it irritating and chose to ignore me, it never deterred my curiosity. However, within the department, the faculty demonstrated remarkable skill in balancing friendliness and discipline, knowing when to guide and when to challenge.

The knowledge I gained during my time at this institution is a treasure. I mustn’t forget to mention the Placement Cell; the dedicated individual leading it, whose name escapes me now, left a lasting impression with their humility and ability to connect with every student.

Our esteemed Head of Department (HOD) was a true mentor and an inspiration to all. I held deep admiration for their remarkable attitude, unwavering discipline, and the motivational speeches they delivered. Their commitment to maintaining a high standard of education was always evident, and their guidance, characterized by dedication and wisdom, profoundly inspired not only me but countless others as well.

In summary, my journey at Nirma University’s Department of Instrumentation and Control was a mix of challenges and cherished moments, all contributing to my growth and learning. I am grateful for the experiences and the people who made it memorable.”