The Electronics and Instrumentation Department of Engineering, Nirma University inaugurated the Semiconductors and Devices laboratory sponsored by Mitsubishi held on 19th May, 2023. Respected dignitaries from Semiconductors and Devices department’s General Manager, Mr. Hitesh Bharadwaj, Application Engineering Assistant General Manager, Mr. Pradip Bisht and Sales Department Senior Manager, Mr. Yogesh Bhatarkar were in attendance. On this occasion of inauguration of this laboratory the Head of E&I department, Dr. Himanshu Patel shared his thoughts that a laboratory rich with modern equipment is a proof of Nirma University’s commitment to provide advanced educational facilities to students. Equipped with the latest technology and equipment, this laboratory will enable students to acquire skills in the field of modern automation. Incorporation of this laboratory will further strengthen Nirma University’s mission of empowering students in modern engineering in technical fields.